As miraculous as a magical encounter, Carl & Claire is pleased to unveil Enchantée, a limited-edition perfume specially crafted in collaboration with one of Netflix's most popular and binge-worthy shows, Emily in Paris.
Inspired by a memorable scene where the series protagonist, Emily Cooper, tries on a perfume; Enchantée is a feminine floral fragrance that perfectly captures that iconic moment. Combining notes of Gardenia, Leather, Musk, and a touch of Vanilla; it smells just like how Emily describes it, like wearing poetry.
• Pakai pelembab terlebih dahulu sebelum spray ke bagian kulit.
• Spray di area nadi, pergelangan tangan, area leher dan belakang telinga.
• Tidak menggosok parfum setelah di spray.
• Spray di bagian pakaian beri jarak sekitar 20cm.
• Hindari terkena air dan terpapar sinar matahari terlalu lama.
• Simpan di ruangan yang sejuk.
Alcohol Denat (food-grade quality), Fragrance, Aqua, Propylene Glycol
BPOM NA18220602514