Why It's Special
The 301 Flawless Face Brush is an all-purpose brush for face powder, blush, contouring and especially works well with mineral products to achieve a natural, delicate finish. Featuring unique two-layer bristles, this brush gives the skin an ultimate airbrushed, natural effect. The fibres are soft and form a full, rounded shape, generating diffused results.
301 Flawless Face Brush adalah kuas serbaguna untuk bedak, blush on, konturing dan terutama produk mineral untuk mencapai hasil yang alami dan halus. Menampilkan bulu dua lapis yang unik, kuas ini memberikan efek airbrush dan alami. Serat lembutnya membentuk bulat yang penuh.
Height: 15.5 cm
Material: Synthetic
Armando Caruso makeup brushes are made with vegan friendly, cruelty-free synthetic but soft and high quality bristles.