Deep in the forest, the Black Dahlia sends out its elegant yet seductive scent that filled the midnight hour. Mixing the sweet notes of Vanilla and Coffee with woody, ambery, and musky scents, this bold fragrance exudes a sense of mystery and sensuality.
• Pakai pelembab terlebih dahulu sebelum spray ke bagian kulit. • Spray di area nadi, pergelangan tangan, area leher dan belakang telinga. • Tidak menggosok parfum setelah di spray. • Spray di bagian pakaian beri jarak sekitar 20cm. • Hindari terkena air dan terpapar sinar matahari terlalu lama. • Simpan di ruangan yang sejuk.
Ethyl Alcohol, Parfum
8 Reviews
Age | 35 |
Age | 33 |
Skin Type | Normal Skin |
Concern | Anti Aging, Pori Besar |
Age | 32 |
Skin Type | Dry Skin |
Concern | Anti Aging, Noda Hitam |
Age | 37 |
Skin Type | Combination Skin |
Concern | Acne, Anti Aging, Noda Hitam, Kulit Kering, Pori Besar |
Age | 29 |