Get Rid of Clogged pores for Good!
AHA 3% BHA 1% PHA 2%
Help to Clean Clogged Pores, Remove Dead Skin Cells, & Maintain Skin Moisture Level.
Singkirkan pori-pori yang tersumbat untuk selamanya!
AHA 3% BHA 1% PHA 2%
Membantu Membersihkan Pori-pori Tersumbat, Menghilangkan Sel Kulit Mati, & Menjaga Tingkat Kelembaban Kulit.
How To Use:
Wash your face & wait for skin to dry
Use dropper to apply 5-10 drops across face & neck, avoiding the eyes area.
Leave it not more than 10minutes.
Rinse with lukewarm water.
Can be used 2 times/week.
375 Reviews
Age | 37 |
Skin Type | Combination Skin |
Concern | Acne, Noda Hitam, Kulit Kering, Berminyak, Pori Besar |
Age | 19 |
Age | 27 |
Keren ini peeling nya
Age | 25 |
Age | 28 |
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